Let's Encrypt Rate Limiting
Incident Report for ACP
We're currently aware of an ongoing issue in Not-Prod and Prod where tenants may be receiving an error when trying to deploy a new ingress resource. This is due to an issue with our current certificate issuer - Let's Encrypt - where we are regularly exceeding the rate limit for issuing new certificates.

Please note that the rate limit only impacts issuing NEW SSL certificates. It does not impact the renewal of already existing certificates.

To mitigate this issue we have started to deploy a new certificate issuer to our clusters. The new issuer has been deployed to the Not-Prod cluster and will be deployed to the Production cluster on Tuesday, April 9th.

If you're currently experiencing an issue with the creation of new certificates whilst deploying a new ingress, please raise an incident via the ACP Support Desk and one of our engineers will work with you to rectify the problem.

We are aiming to send out guidance to the wider ACP community on how to use the new issuer once we've got it deployed to all of the clusters.
Posted Apr 05, 2024 - 15:23 BST
This incident affects: Kubernetes (not-prod) and Kubernetes (prod).